The prototype for the Original COP Device (AKA No More Cords, NMC) was the first of its kind. A second prototype version of COP or NMC is completed and fully functional. It includes modifications enabling it to eliminate the need for wires between the EKG suction cup sensors and the laptop or EKG machine itself. Additional models can be prototyped to eliminate the need for wires between almost any medical diagnostic device and its sensors allowing for wireless transmission of critical diagnostic data.
The COP or NMC Device can be linked to almost any device allowing for wireless transmission of Audio, Video, Data, and Control Signals to be sent to the receiving device without the use of any connecting wires. This technology can even be used to eliminate the wires between a Sun automotive Diagnostic Scope and the engine connections. There are literally hundreds of possible applications for the device.
Name of Proposed product: Cordless Oscilloscope Probe or No More Cords (COP/ NMC)
Product Description: COP (NMC) is a wireless Diagnostic Tool that is used for troubleshooting and testing circuits. COP consists of two separate units. One unit is a handheld probe that is used to touch circuit traces or solder points on a circuit board. This unit contains a transmitter capable of wireless transmission of Audio, Video, Data, and Control Signals to its second unit which is a receiver. The receiver connects to a Oscilloscope via a BNC connecting cord. The Oscilloscope can then display all the signal attributes exactly the same as it would show if the scopes own probe was connected directly.
Purpose of Cop (NMC)
Cop eliminates the need for any connecting wires between the Oscilloscopes probes and the circuits or devices being tested with them. It also allows the Oscilloscope to be up to ten meters away from your testing circuit so your work area is less congested, better organized and gives you more room for additional circuits and devices to be connected to the circuit being tested. Generally, when testing and troubleshooting circuits, there are usually many wires which need to connected to the circuit being tested (i.e. Power Supply, Data, Control Signals, etc.) Cop reduces the number of wires needed and this removes the confusion and hassle of having so many wires to contend with while troubleshooting or testing. The elimination of Oscilloscope wires allows troubleshooting and testing to be safer, faster, simpler and more efficient.
Principle of Operation:
This version of Cop (NMC) uses a unique proprietary transmitter and receiver combined with unique circuitry to transmit any probed signal to the receiver, which is then connected to an Oscilloscope.
COP (NMC) Development Abstract
This particular model of Cop (NMC) is specifically designed and tested to be used for wireless replacement for the probes of an Oscilloscope or Signal Tracer.
Other modifications allow additional versions of the Cop (NMC) device to be used in conjunction with almost any medical sensor and device. A Microprocessor and Signal Averaging Software could also be embedded in the COP (NMC) circuitry which would allow this this technology to be utilized for even more devices.
The Bio-medical industry has overlooked using wireless technology for many bio-medical diagnostic devices and this market is wide open for this technology to be introduced. There are few if any products in the bio-medical industry which allows existing equipment to be connected to a patent without the use of constraining wires on the patent. By developing this kind of add on device to remove the necessity of connecting wires to the patent, Hospitals, Clinics, and Doctors would not have to replace their existing expensive equipment to get the benefits of wireless connectivity.