Contact TTBM

If you are interested in becoming a FUNDING PARTNER, send us an email with your funding proposal or just a inquiry that you wish to become a funding partner and we will respond. We usually respond within a 1 hour but never later than 24 hours.
If you are interested in becoming a MANUFACTURING PARTNER, send us an email with your proposal or just a inquiry that you wish to become a manufacturing partner and we will respond. We usually respond within a 1 hour but never later than 24 hours.
If you are interested in participating and you or your company wants to contribute to the development of a new idea, current or future project, or prototype, Simply tell us in an email that you want to participate and you will receive a reply usually within a 1 hour but never later than 24 hours. You may include a proposal or you can just tell us the details of how you wish to participate in a world changing development project or prototype.

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