Have you heard that California will kill 3.2 million trout that have been infected with bacteria called Lactococcus garvieae which is similar to Streptococcus? Or about the Italian farmers facing Olive Tree Leprosy from the Xylella bacteria? What about Red Onions from Oregon infected with salmonella that has sickened hundreds of people in 40 states and Canada? Or how about Watermelon, Apples and other fruit sold In Walmart stores in 9 states which were infected with the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria that causes Listeriosis, which sickens and kills thousands of people every year? Or how about a virus called “Late Blight” which rapidly destroys 6.7 Billion dollars annually worth of Tomato and Potato crops worldwide and has been doing so since the 1840’s?
What if in the future, there was a simple, environmentally safe, and effective way to prevent the above from happening without the use of chemicals, herbicides, or any other poisons? What if we could prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Virus and cure anyone who has contracted it as well as many other Diseases and Viruses which have been inflicting and plaguing humanity for Decades? Well, the future is here now!! Introducing CABS!! (Covid-19 And Bacteria Sterilizer). CABS uses harmless Electromagnetic Frequencies to sterilize any type of bacteria fungi, and virus.
Cabs uses wireless Frequency Pattern Technology which uses electromagnetic waves with the same frequencies that are normally found in our airwaves. The differentiator is that these frequencies are in a specific proprietary pattern.
Current Technology used to control the growth of bacteria on Fruits, Vegetables, and Meat involve Chemicals, Temperature, and UV Light. All of these processes are costly and involve significant health risk for the end user of these products. UV Light even has associated risks with just the process of using it.
None of these processes produce 100% Bacteria free or prevent the growth of Bacteria after the process is completed as illustrated above in the first paragraph. Wireless transmission of Frequency patterns does not have any of these hazards. It can be used in small devices that can be placed in supermarkets, food processing plants, farms and everywhere food is grown, processed or travels in the entire food chain to prevent the growth of Bacteria with 100% effectiveness.
The Innovation is wireless Frequency Pattern Technology. This is a brand new and emerging technology. It not only prevents the growth of bacteria in food products or on surfaces, but with additional research in developing the proper frequency patterns we will be able to prevent the spread, and even sterilize viruses and diseases that have plagued humans and animals for so long. The use of Frequency Pattern Technology is the next logical step in the emerging field of Frequency Therapy.
Bacteria infestations has brought with it very serious societal needs, even an absolute necessity, to protect the world’s population and its entire food chain from the life-threatening impact of these bacterial infections and viruses.
Current technology involves the use of fungicides, and other chemical treatments for the prevention of bacteria, fungi, viruses in the world’s agriculture. However, the food chain supply is unable to meet the necessary requirements to prevent the destruction of the worlds food supply as stated in the opening paragraph. It should also be noted that that there is a huge trend in the marketplace toward the distribution and sale of 100% organic grown food. This is shown by the fact that organically grown food costs significantly more, and most people will pay more for food in which no chemicals have been used in its growth. So far, the manufactures of all these chemical treatments have been unable to supply all organic versions of these chemicals which provide the same effectiveness. This provides a great opportunity to develop a technology that can do this. Frequency Pattern technology can easily fulfill this task as it is not only considerably cheaper to purchase and use, it is also 100% organic, 100% chemical free, and completely safe to humans and animals.
There is also a moral obligation for the people of this world to mitigate and eliminate these biological threats to humanity. This necessity and moral obligation promote a very promising commercial opportunity to provide humanity with safe, viable and effective solutions to eliminate these threats to the word’s food chain during the growing, manufacturing, processing, and delivery prior to public consumption.
Additionally, the advent of the Covid-19 Pandemic has made society realize that anyone could be infected with a new and unknown life-threatening virus at any time. That reality combined with society’s beliefs that current medical technology for developing vaccines and therapy’s for attenuating and curing not just Covid-19, but also other serious diseases such as Cancer, Parkinson’s, Leukemia and more, is substantially inadequate.
Society is looking for new technology that promises to mitigate and resolve these issues that current technology has not been able to. As a result, there is a huge commercial opportunity to develop a new kind of technology that can treat and cure all these bacterial infections, viruses and diseases.
Frequency Pattern Technology is not only uniquely suited to take complete advantage of this unpresented commercial opportunity, It’s completely customizable for a specific market.
Since specific frequency patterns promote specific effects, Frequency Patterns can be developed to target specific bacteria, viruses, and diseases. This means that frequency patterns that kill specific bacteria can be used in devices that are tailor made for specific applications and these devices can be marketed to their specific industry. One such example is a specific frequency pattern that prevents and kills the Late Blight virus in tomato and potato crops. This device would be marketed to just growers, processors and distributors of these crops. Another particular pattern could be used in supermarkets to protect their fruits, vegetables and even their meats, so this would be marketed to retailers and distributors of these products.
Yet another specific pattern could be used to kill and prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Other frequency patterns could treat Cancer or Leukemia any every other disease or ailment.
These are just some of the possibilities for frequency pattern technology and its related devices. Its abundantly clear that because this technology is so universal, there are countless other commercial markets where frequency pattern technology devices can be sold.
There are many target industries that will benefit from frequency technology and its related devices, however we will limit our focus on just a few of these. Crop losses worldwide total in excess of $10 Billion annually. Frequency Pattern technology would be a permanent solution and prevent greater than 90% of crop losses due to bacteria and viruses. Cabs will prevent 90% of crop losses which is an estimated savings of 9 Billion dollars annually from crop growers and food distributors.
Annual costs for the treatment of human diseases and viruses that has plagued humanity for decades is in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually. A new technology which can be used to treat and eliminate these diseases has almost an unlimited economic potential not to mention the benefit to society.
Validated drivers in just these three industries are substantial. They range from an individual’s want and need to live as long as possible, to the government’s responsibility for the protection of its people, their health, welfare, and safety. An adequate and safe food chain supply and prevention of life-threatening diseases is among top priorities. This is absolutely necessary for humanity to continue to exist and evolve. These drivers apply equally in almost every country in the world.
Alternatives relating to the food supply chain is very limited. The only possible competition could be from the manufactures of chemical treatments and the UV lighting industry. Chemical manufactures have been unable to supply all organic versions of these chemicals because less than 20% of the available chemical treatments have an organic alternative. The few alternatives that do exist do not provide the same effectiveness, specifically the non-organic versions of these treatments are only 50 to 70% effective and result in huge financial costs for food growers, processors, distributors, and retailers as a result. These additional costs are estimated in the billion-dollar range annually.
Using UV light to control viruses, and bacteria in the food chain is just at its infancy stage. It is very likely that the use of this technology will ultimately not work for this purpose due to the inherent risks and inadequacies with it. In general, UV lights can only be used in areas where no human or animal life are present as the emissions from UV lights are harmful to most living things. Not to mention that UV light can’t provide 100% coverage as any obstacles in the path of this light will prevent UV rays from reaching its target area thus not sterilizing any bacteria or viruses growing in the shadows or partially covered areas. Although this could work for very contained isolated areas when human traffic could be prevented, A typical farm where fruits, vegetables, and cattle are grown and raised presents difficulties with just how you keep living things from being subjected to the UV rays, not to mention just how would you used these lights in a retail market from affecting people in this market or how would you get this light to the shadow area or obstacle blocked areas.
There is a clear advantage to using frequency pattern technology to provide solutions to these issues because this technology is completely safe for humans and animals, not to mention, it will be significantly more economical to purchase and use.
The Innovation is Frequency Pattern Technology (FPT). FPT is based on emitting specific frequencies which are ordered in specific patterns with each frequency in the pattern emitted for specific durations with specific amplitudes and wave types. FPT is not a type of RF. Its topology and principles of operation are completely different.
FPT works because it allows atoms and molecules to be the medium to transfer frequencies across our entire globe. If fact, since it is these very atoms and molecules that control the existence of viruses, bacteria, Our DNA & RNA, and for that matter every chemical and molecular action, as well as almost every other action that affects living and non -living interactions in our universe, there can be no doubt that it can control the outcome of these interactions.
Since it is atoms and molecules that is the primary building blocks for viruses and bacteria, it makes perfect sense that that if you want to prevent viruses and bacteria from existing, you would manipulate the atoms and molecules that are the building blocks which are responsible for creating these things, so that they won’t be created or for destroying these things as well. Since this is what the primary mechanism of FPT is, its’s clear this is what it does.
FPT is a brand new and emerging technology. It will not only prevent the growth of bacteria in food products or on surfaces, and prevent bug infestations, but with additional research in developing the proper frequency patterns it will be able to prevent the spread and even sterilize viruses and diseases that have plagued humans and animals for so long.
When considering the medical applications for this innovation, this technology could also be considered the next logical step in the emerging field of Frequency Therapy.